Friday, July 20, 2012

Twelve Mile Limit Doc

Twelve Mile Limit (Doc Ford Series #9)

Randy Wayne White's Doc Ford stories continue to grow in audience and acclaim-"We'll always drop anything to read a new White novel, and be glad we did" (The Denver Post)-but in Twelve Mile Limit, he has written his most powerful novel of all. On a Friday in early November, four people head out from the west coast of Florida to dive a deep-water wreck fifty-six miles offshore. Two days later, one of them is found alive, standing atop a 160-foot light tower in the Gulf of Mexico, naked and waving her wetsuit. But the other three appear to have been swept off the edge of the earth. That one diver is Ford's friend, Janet Mueller. It is then that the rumors begin-whispers of everything from fraud to smuggling to murder. To clear Janet's name, Ford knows that he must discover what really happened that night, way out on the Gulf Stream. The answer that he eventually does find is something both less and much more than the whispers, the result of a quest that will take him halfway around the world and very nearly kill him. It is a truth that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Filled with passion, rich atmosphere, and some of the best suspense characters anywhere in fiction, Twelve Mile Limit is a brilliant piece of storytelling. Author Biography: Randy Wayne White is the author of eight previous Doc Ford novels. His columns have appeared regularly in Outside and Men's Health magazines.

Price: $ 0.01

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