Saturday, August 18, 2012

Latest Mountain Stream Auctions

Some recent Mountain Stream auctions on eBay:

Sewing Quilting Fabric Panel 4 Pillow Blocks 16" Horses Mountain Stream Ponies

End Date: Wednesday Aug-22-2012 17:29:56 PDT
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Marty Priest Orig "Mountain Stream" Watercolor

.00 (0 Bids)
End Date: Saturday Aug-18-2012 9:28:07 PDT
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Golden Retriever Care And Training

Golden Retriever Care And Training

Golden Retriever Dog Book On Choosing, Caring For And Training Your Golden Retriever. Golden Retriever Puppy Training And Obedience Training As Well As Grooming And Health Care. Owners Manual. Ebooks / Audio / Visual Package.

Too Cold Water

Check out these Cold Water images:

Too Cold Water

Cold Water

Image by Aesum

Cold water in the middle of the winter - Acqua gelida nel bel mezzo dell'inverno - Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano - Piaggine

On Explore - Feb 16, 2009 #262

cold water

Cold Water

Image by cambiodefractal

Cold, cold water surrounds me now
And all I've got is your hand

(Cold Water, by Damien Rice)

Cold Water

Cold Water

Image by emredjan

View from up, Cold water, Fethiye

Fresh Water Couch Grass

Check out these Fresh Water images:

Fresh water couch grass

Fresh Water

Image by John Tann

Fresh water couch (Paspalum distichum) grows in or near fresh water. Yass River bed, Gundaroo NSW Australia, April 2009.

Fresh water couch topview

Fresh Water

Image by John Tann

Fresh water couch (Paspalum distichum). Yass River bed, Gundaroo NSW Australia, April 2009.

Golden Retriever Care And Training

Golden Retriever Care And Training

Golden Retriever Dog Book On Choosing, Caring For And Training Your Golden Retriever. Golden Retriever Puppy Training And Obedience Training As Well As Grooming And Health Care. Owners Manual. Ebooks / Audio / Visual Package.

Backpack travel bag shool backpack Rucksa mountain hiking camping backpack b2024

End Date: Sunday Aug-26-2012 18:22:47 PDT
Buy It Now for only: .99
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.99 (1 Bid)
End Date: Saturday Aug-18-2012 15:50:54 PDT
Buy It Now for only: .99
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Fresh Water

fresh water?
by jamocha1001

are ther like any good looking fish i can get for fresh water


Answer by Mrmoomin
Yep, loads

Firstly it depends on if you want coldwater or tropical fish

Im sure that all the different kinds of fish has someone that thinks they are good looking so it is all down to personal preference

Anything from goldfish, to bettas, to piranhas to tetras, i wont attempt to name all the fireshwater fish i can think of lol

There are a better range of tropical fish available though

Answer by Rob
Plenty, you might want to start out with a Beta fish, very attractive.

Answer by spaceship9
female bettas can be kept in a community tank (make sure to lookup your other fishes though.. make sure they're not nippers or else...) though the store ones are mostly ugly. I got a beautiful deep blue female from the store and she's smart and adds color to the tank.
Zebra danios don't look so "pretty" in the terms of color, however they add activity to the tank and can chase (rarely ever biting though) other less active color full fish around..
Neon tetras are Very colorful but very dull... a couple danios will make them more active though.
Male guppies are very good looking and colorful..
Black Skirt Tetras aren't "colorful" (just black) but do look nice.
and all of the above are fairly easy to keep and cheap too..

Male Betta fish are EXTREMELY colorful and when well kept grow long extravagent fins with deep hues and live fairly long and can be taught.. However it's not really recommened to house them in with other fish... maybe a cory catfish or something... However just because you get one male betta don't keep him in a small tank.. just because he can live in one doesn't mean he likes it.

Answer by FishRfine
plenty! you can get freshwater fish in every color that you can get saltwater! even the humble guppy can easily be more colorful than a saltwater fish. just because a fish is colorful, doesnt mean its saltwater!

Classic Energy Videos - Free Energy Videos You Haven't Seen!

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Clubbell Flow Evolution

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Make Fishing Lures Ebook With Free Bonus Ebooks - Good Conversion Rate

Sarcoidosis Remission Aden Protocol

Sarcoidosis Remission - Aden Protocol

At Last People Can Stop The Terrible Suffering Of Sarcoidosis. Modern Medicine Is Powerless With This Disease. The Aden Protocol Resource Book Is A Guide To The Only Natural Alternative That Is Proven To Work.


End Date: Friday Aug-31-2012 20:33:33 PDT
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Igloo MWC519 Stainless Steel Water Cooler Dispenser, Hot/Cold
.00 (15 Bids)
End Date: Friday Aug-17-2012 21:12:21 PDT
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